In the latest crime crackdown from the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, it was found that seven persons were taking part in a series of fraudulent acts in online casinos that totaled almost $30K. The seven individuals were suspected of having multiple accounts as well as identity fraud and were placed on the Involuntary Exclusion List for iGaming.

The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board has taken decisive action against fraudulent gambling activities, placing seven individuals on the iGaming Involuntary Exclusion List. These individuals were found guilty of engaging in fraudulent activities amounting to nearly $30,000 at online casinos in Pennsylvania. The decision, confirmed by the Bureau of Investigations and Enforcement of the PGCB, underscores the state's commitment to maintaining the integrity of its gaming industry.

A series of online accounts along with identity fraud

In a recent press release, the PGCB detailed the fraudulent activities of these seven individuals. The board identified two primary forms of fraud: the creation of online accounts using another individual's identity and details, and the manipulation of payment methods for personal gain. Specifically, these individuals set up online gambling accounts in the names of unsuspecting victims, made deposits using the victims' payment methods, and then withdrew funds directly into their own bank accounts without engaging in any legitimate gaming. Additionally, they requested and received refunds for disputed debit or credit card transactions, despite these refunds being fraudulent.

Breakdown of fraudulent activity

The fraudulent activities led to a total of $27,168 in losses, spread across various online gambling platforms. The detailed breakdown is as follows:

  • Two distinctly separate sports wagering accounts that used another individual’s identity, resulting in withdrawals totaling $300.
  • Thirteen separate casino game accounts using another individual's identity, resulting in withdrawals totaling $545.
  • Six sports betting accounts using another individual's identity, resulting in withdrawals totaling $1,000.
  • Four sports betting accounts using another individual's identity, resulting in withdrawals totaling $1,123.
  • Two sports betting accounts using another individual's identity, resulting in withdrawals totaling $1,500.
  • An illegal request and receipt of six credit card chargebacks associated with a casino game account, totaling withdrawals amounting to $10,100.
  • One sports betting account using another individual's identity, resulting in withdrawals totaling $12,600.

The complexity and scale of these fraudulent activities emphasize the increasingly sophisticated methods employed by these individuals to exploit the system.

The PGCB's commitment to integrity

This PGCB case brings the total number of individuals on Pennsylvania's iGaming Involuntary Exclusion List to an astonishing 37. The PGCB's stringent measures against fraudulent activities shows its dedication to preserving the integrity and fairness of the gaming industry. The board's proactive approach serves as a stern warning to those attempting to defraud the system.

The PGCB's actions not only protect the financial interests of individuals but also uphold the reputation of Pennsylvania’s gaming industry. By swiftly addressing fraudulent activities as soon as possible, the board reassures legitimate players and stakeholders of the safety and fairness of the online gaming environment.

Moving forward with utmost vigilance

Players are urged to report any suspicious activities or concerns to the PGCB, contributing to a collective effort to maintain a secure and trustworthy gaming community. The board continues to implement robust measures to detect and prevent fraud, ensuring that Pennsylvania remains a leader in the responsible regulation of online gambling.

The recent addition of seven individuals to the iGaming Involuntary Exclusion List marks a significant step in the PGCB's ongoing efforts to combat fraud in Pennsylvania's online gaming sector. Through meticulous investigation and enforcement, the board reinforces its commitment to protecting players and preserving the integrity of the gaming industry. As online gambling evolves, the PGCB remains vigilant, ensuring that all activities are conducted within the bounds of fairness and legality in the state.