No one can deny the fact that Desmond King’s faith in the Houston Texans this season has been quite the promise that many fans would expect from a veteran who has been on the prowl so far. When he joined Houston four years ago, it was far from a contender team that had what it takes to deliver a run towards the big stage of the NFL.

Well, it does seem that the times have changed, and King is now more eager to take on the challenge after some promising strides they have seen in the 2023 campaign, and it does seem that the Texans are even one of the heavy favorites to look out for after what seems to be a promising offseason where they have made some good signings as well.

At this point, it is easy to be impressed the way King is for the Texans. A team that has been criticized heavily for not being able to come up with massive runs in the NFL has now enjoyed some good strides in the past few years with some good notions in their games so far, which says a lot about how well they have improved in just a short span of time.

King’s Renewed Confidence with Houston

It cannot be denied that patience has paid off for King. He came into Houston as a veteran when the Steelers didn’t want him back, and he initially provided his best guidance and veteran leadership in the team. Still, the 2021 and 2022 seasons proved to be crucial in the team’s development, with Houston becoming quite a developing team with young players, despite enduring finishes at a lowly level.

It was not quite a good experience for players who have a lot to offer on the big stage. Going 4-13 and 3-13-1 finishes in 2021 and 2022 under the direction of two different head coaches seemed to be quite a stretch, and yet King endured before trying with the Steelers. It didn’t work out, and when he returned with the Texans, it was now the perfect time for them to jive together.

"I wouldn't say that's the only reason I'm back," King said in an interview. "I'm going on my fourth year in Houston. I've done seen the evolution of the team and the organization just being here for those first couple of years and seeing where it's at now, knowing my capability and what I can bring to the team, why not be here with Houston? We're an up-and-coming team and we're here to stay. We're just getting ready for the season and I'm here."

Setting Expectations for the Texans

The Texans finished with a 10-7 record in the previous season, which saw them come up with their first AFC South title and playoff win since 2019. It was a success in the making, and the Houston Texans have been waiting for, and you could feel the crowd roaring when they played their games considering that it was the best they have been for almost half a decade.

The addition of quarterback CJ Stroud has also proven to be a massive swing in the team’s climb to the top. That was one of the biggest reasons why King had zero doubts about returning to the Texans once more.

"Just honestly, it's all about staying focused on the goal," King said. "We know what kind of team we have. That said, you see it every day in the locker room. It's what we do when we go out there on that field. Yeah, we have the noise. We have the hype behind us, but that's not out there on that practice field when we're out there working.