Reintroduction of Horse Racing in Central Massachusetts Faces Opposition
July 25, 2024 – A large portion of that sector fled Massachusetts when Suffolk Downs hosted its final horse race in 2019. An investor group hopes to alter that by constructing a new track in Gardner. Many locals are in favor of stopping the project before it even leaves the gate.
Gardner Racetrack for Horses
An LLC made up of horse racing industry investors is called Bay State Racing. The corporation attempted to proceed with this project on a Gardner property off of Route 140 last year. With a 114-acre plot of land across the street, they are making another attempt this year in the hopes that it would house the state's sole thoroughbred horse racing track.
"It is our hope to be engaged and productive with the community and to be good neighbors," Bay State Racing's John Stefanini said at a presentation at Gardner City Hall Tuesday night.
The corporation anticipates spending $25 million on new facilities, paying the city half a million dollars in taxes annually, and adding scores of new jobs. The majority of Bay State Racing's revenue comes from sports wagering, and the organization hopes to host two races annually.
Residents and Ethical Treatment
The property that the corporation is trying to purchase is presently a ranch where people receiving mental health and drug misuse treatment receive therapy from animals. Residents here are concerned about the concept of converting that into a stadium that can accommodate thousands of spectators in addition to several racing animals
"The ethical treatment of the animals is still a question in my mind," said one resident.
"Seven other communities in this state have turned these people down," another resident added. "So, Gardner, do the same. Tell them to giddy up and go back to Boston."
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