True Sight: Key Strategies in Using Wards in Dota 2

Key Strategies in Using Wards in Dota 2 image

📖 Published on: July 17th, 2024

✍️ Updated: July 17th, 2024

⏳ 7 mins read


Dota 2 is known well for being one of the best esport titles in the world, and it has proven to be one of the most competitive scenes in the industry. But why do many players waste their time learning about how to use wards and come up with the best sighting in the game to come up with a tactical advantage?

What is the Advantage of Using Wards?

Wards image

Every single unit and hero in Dota 2 has a limited amount of vision, and your map does not show it off as well at all times since there’s a fog of war active in the game. Of course, you can spot your teammates in the map as a shared vision system, but not everyone can be at some place all at once, and for you to have a true advantage against your enemies, you have to find a way to monitor key areas in the game that may turn the tide of the game into your favor or the other way around.

With the use of wards, you can unlock a bigger vision on the map. These are items in the game that can be placed almost anywhere you want and give you a limited vision in that specific area. This allows you to spot enemies in various key locations and prevent them from ganking your allies, taking on creeps, coordinating a push on any lane, or coming with different ways that will determine the chances of winning in the game.

Wards are an integral aspect in Dota 2 image

There are two kinds of wards in Dota 2. The first is a free item, the observer wards, which provides vision for six minutes for a specific area that covers around 1,600 radius. This is the most commonly used ward in the game, especially for just finding key resources or spotting common areas and flank areas that are expected to be used by the enemy. However, players can opt to try a second option in wards with the Sentry Wards, which costs 50 gold and offers bigger advantages for teams using it as it can spot invisible enemies in a given area, but has a smaller radius with just 1,000.

Still, learning how to use wards in the right place and at the right time can net certain advantages and disadvantages for various players, and it is why you should consider learning a lot of tactics that can help you come up with big wins in your games.

Key Tactics in Using Wards in Dota 2

Dota 2 demands players to be smart and tactical when it comes to their overall approach in the game, and this is why it cannot be denied that there are a lot of ways to contribute to overall success in the game. This includes using wards in the game on the best way possible. There are a lot of ways to come up with a smart use of wards, including players in the support role taking the full responsibility of doing so.

Here are some key tactics you can use in placing wards in the game:

Place Wards Near Roshan in Mid-Late Game

Roshan is the biggest farm that you can consider if you are going for a lot of gold and the Aegis of the Immortal. We all know how rewarding that is, and both sides will always be going for it as the game progresses. There are times when Dota 2 players get cocky and attack Roshan on their own and try to come up with a massive kill right away. Teams even try to come up with a coordinated attack on that spot, and you need to take advantage on that end in any other way.

Wards near Roshan image

Having wards on Roshan from time to time helps you come up with an impressive view on the farm and prevent teams from coming up with a big loot. For instance, you can time your attack well on Roshan and steal the loot when the enemy team is closer to getting it down. A kill-steal tactic always works, and that is what makes wards important on that spot.

Place Wards on Creep Camps and Cliffs

Creep camps and cliffs are crucial spots that you need to protect and have vision of from time to time. This means that you have to come up with better strategies in timing your placements on the creeps. These offer easy XP gain for everyone, which means you can prevent enemy players from farming in any time of the game, which will definitely give you an advantage in killing them and prevent them from leveling up while also getting the farm for yourself as well.

Creep Camps image

On top of that, you can monitor the farm from time to time if it has respawned already or not. With the help of wards, you don’t need to visit the area with your hero right away and just click the map on that spot. That helps a lot in saving you some time in planning your farming routes and it can save you from even getting trapped or ganked by various enemy players.

Place Wards on Side Lanes for Power Runes

The side lanes are arguably one of the most important parts of the map in any given Dota 2 game. This is why you need to put up wards on the lanes, especially in early game where there are a lot of early ganks on squishy heroes. Some even say that side lanes are definitely something to keep in mind considering the fact that wards are able to spot players cutting through the map in the side lanes as a shortcut. This is why it is smart enough to consider putting up wards in that area.

Wards on side lanes image

There are also a lot of power runes in the game, and you should play it smart as it often offers a lot of powerups for players who are seeking advantages in the game. From bonus speed, damage, or even a mirror image if you are lucky, the side lanes can be a deciding factor that will give you an advantage in the game.

Make the Most of Your Dota 2 Bets!

Learn the best of wards by applying what you have learned today! We often come up with detailed game guides that can give you a chance at betting on players who are good with their tactics in the game!

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